Friday, August 25, 2017

How to successfully complete a nursing program

Introduction: Hello Welcome to my blog, my name is Barbara adewale. I am a wife, mother, student, and a nurse. I have always had lot of ideas about different topics I want to share, but I never really thought about how to get the information out there. Recently I finally decided that starting a blog is a first step in the journey of my mission to educate and teach.  My blog is about picking random topics that I am knowledgeable about and sharing what my ideas are. The purpose of these blogs is simple to educate, and discuss topics that  have effect on our real life everyday. My first  blog is about nursing school, I pick this topic because this is a topic I am very passionate and familiar with. I have watched alot of people start nursing school and get kicked out of the program by the school due to so many reasons. I went through the process myself and I understand what it takes to be successful. Please read below as I have shared some of what you have to understand in other to be successful in the journey of been a nurse.

How to  successfully complete nursing school in the U.S.A
You will be wondering why I am sharing this idea, but my main goal is to educate anyone trying to start these journey. I will list some of the things you must have before starting nursing school.

1 Good support system: you must have a good support system like sister, friends family around just Incase of emergency there is someone to call. Support system is good anytime in life, but in the aspect of nursing school it becomes a necessity.  When you are in the nursing program , you can't really work full time, you need someone to be able to fill in for you financially when it is needed. You also need support system for motivation and encouragement, there will be so many times you will become overwhelmed with homework,test,quizzes and clinical,   all you will need is a good support system to keep moving forward.

2 Be ready to study, its not a Joke its something you have to dedicate your time too, be completely ready to read and give your best.In nursing school you can't just read, you have to understand because you will be in charge of peoples life any errors from your part can be the end of another persons life. Another reason why you need to study is to pass your exams. The way most programs work is you have to pass with a C or better in other to move to the next level, so its very important that you study the material well and you understand it. This is only going to make you a better nurse both practically and theoretically.

3 prepare financially :before starting the nursing program you must prepare because you might not be able to work in the program. I remember when was in nursing school,we had school Monday to Friday and when I get home i still had lots of homework and studying to do. All these affected my finances and I could not rely on my paycheck to pay my bills. So be prepared,  don't rush into it,so that you don't rush out. Be ready financially

4 Cut of some unnecessary Bills: cut your bills to the mininimum especially the unnecessary ones, if you are paying some bills that are not important eliminate  those bills temporarily till you finish school, so you are not stressed in the program. Alot of people were kicked out of the program because they were having financial issues.

5 Be ready to be friendly: When I say be friendly, I don't mean your classmate have to be your best friend, but you must maintain a cordial relationship with them. These is needed in the nursing program because of days you will be absent in class, you can always call your classmate to get information about what you missed.You need to be able to interact with your classmate

I hope you learn something
First blog
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God bless you.

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