Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How to Find peace again

Hello welcome back again to my blog, hope you guys enjoyed my last blog. Today we will be discussing something completely different. I told you guys we will be discussing different topics on my blog, so lets get started. First of all let me introduce my topic to you. Today's topic will be " How to find  peace again after going through hard situation in  life. 

 What are situations that can bring you down, It could be death of a family member, divorce, failure in school, delay in achievement, lost of a job and so many other things that happen to people in life that bring them down. The honest truth is that,we all have been through one thing or the other, that has shaked us,put us down and make us feel sad. Life is not a bed of roses, so when you find yourself going through those stages always remember that, God loves you and you are not the only one going through pains or hardtime in life. Always remember that as long as you have life there is hope. I have listed some things below that can help you find peace during a hard situation please read

1 Build your relationship with Christ : I always say when there is no Christ Jesus there is crisis. You have to learn to build your relationship with Christ, you do not need to build it because you are having problems, but build it because no greatest love can be as the love of God, and when  have him first, He will take care of all other things that concerns you. The life of Christ itself will teach us that we are not an exception to hard time, it just depend on how we deal with it. Remeber Jesus Christ himself went through betrayal, beaten and nailed on the cross, even with that pain he was told to carry his cross,but he eventually rose up, and became the messiah, and we all have to go through him to see God. That is how I want you to see your life, It is when you have that intense understanding of Christ then you can understand how to apply his word, life experiences to your everyday life struggle. There is also a peace that you find when you build your relationship with Christ, you will never feel alone because you now have a bond with him, you know he his with you at all times like he promised . So please no matter what, Buil that spiritual bonding with Christ Jesus and you will see how little by little you will start gaining peace.

Listen to tape, audio messages, and read books :these are materials that you can get information that will encourage you from people that are more knowledgeable than you. People that are more older and have been through their own hard time and they have come out victorthat. you can learn from some of their experiences through their teaching they will impact you with knowledge. Take those knowledge and apply it to areas that are needed in your life.

3 Don't Judge yourself or put yourself down: No matter what you. go through, don't ever see yourself as a failure or a mistake you are very valuable to God. You are apple of  God eyes.  God see you as his child, you are created in the image of God,which means no matter what you go through you are a valuable asset. Assess that situation and try to see how you can pull something out of nothing. Draw a line between yourself worth and your challenges. Determine  and say it to yourself no matter what it is i am coming out stronger. It is when you start changing your mindset about who you are, that you can be who you want to be Develop a mindset of seeking solution for peace of mind.Make your peace a priority in the middle of any crisis.

4.Don't share all your challenges with everyone :As much as we all need someone to speak to when we go through hard time, You have to choose wisely in who you speak too. Because it is not everyone who view things the way you do. Talk to God, Have a intimate relationship with God. Speak to people that are older, spiritual leader , a mentor,  all of us have that one person in our life that guide us and put us through especially  during hard time. Don't think that every one will feel sorry for you , unfortunately It will even bring more down time than what you espected it be. Develop habit of talking to God.

5 Be selective with your friends: Be friends with people that loves you genuely, people that inspire you to be the best, Be friends with people that encourages you, people that will bend their back for you and you will do thesame  for. Remember in the middle of trying to find your peace you need comfort.Comfort does not come from people that pull you down. Stay away from friends that discriminate against you politely. Always remember that it is not about your friend, It is about you, you matter alot to yourself and you can't find peace if you feel unloved.

6. Be Beautiful: There is always a saying "if you look good, you feel good, sometimes when you feel good about yourself , you make good decisions. It increases your self esteem, and you will find yourself seeking problem solving alternatives instead of been drained in the situation to the point of loosing your peace
7 Be prayerful:  It should all start with prayer and end with prayer. Pray at all time. Pray when all things are not in the right direction and pray more when things are  going well remermber God always answer prayers, He never will forget you. Use some of the situation in the bible that God has taking care of as a reference during prayer. Remember who he is. He is God , he sees your silent tears, and he has peace in store for you.

8 Evaluate yourself not to make thesame mistakes: Look at how much progress you have made and continue in that direction. If you haven't find that peace yet, ask questions, find out what you are doing wrong. Reevaluate yourself and make necessary changes.
       I hope you have learnt something from my blog,  thank you so much for taking your time to read this. My prayer is God the father of heaven and earth, the one that give peace will make peace live in all that concerns you.

                                   Psalm 29 vs 11
                             The Lord blesses his people with strength

                              The Lord gives his people peace                  

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